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Representation & Participation

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The Committee on Representation (CORP) assesses the composition and selection of leadership for the agencies of Presbytery to assure reflection of the rich diversity of its membership, as per the Book of Order (F-1.0403).


Judy Ferguson, RE

Austin Area

 Walter Lee, TE

San Antonio Area

Current Representation & Participation Committee Members

CP Kris Bair, RE Elizabeth Duhan, CP Bruce Goodlock, Rev. Tom Heger, Rev. Amy Meyer, Pam Power, and Bette Burris.


Filing Classes 

  1. Persons who have gifts to offer for the work of the Presbytery, should be encouraged to do so. The names may be submitted by the person identifying the gift after seeking the nominee's agreement. Persons who feel called to offer their services are encouraged to self nominate. If a committee is aware of a particular person who would fit well to their work, those names should be offered as well.

  2. Nomination Forms are available on the presbytery web site under "Resources" as well as on this page. These should be complete and sent to the Presbytery office with a copy to the Nominations Committee. Confirmation of willingness to serve should be obtained. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHOULD THE PERSON BE GUARANTEED THEY WILL SERVE.

  3. We no longer co-opt members for committee work. Short term Task Forces may be created for a specific task but end as soon as the task is complete.

Nominating Chairpersons

  1. It is the responsibility of the Nominations Committee, in consultation with General Council, to nominate new chairpersons. Committees are encouraged to make suggestions. But the decision rests with the Nominations Committee.

  2. At the end of a member's term of service, a note of appreciation is encouraged. Also, when it is necessary for a member to resign, a letter of thanks for their service is nice. Note cards for this purpose are available through the Presbytery office.


  1. When a person elected by Presbytery does not attend two consecutive meetings, the moderator should determine the cause and pastorally seek a remedy for their attendance.

  2. If the person decides that attendance is not possible, a letter should be written to the committee moderator offering resignation from the committee. Copies should be sent to the Stated Clerk and the Chair of Nominations.


​​To nominate someone to a Presbytery Committee, please use this form:
Mission Presbytery Nominations Form

Return the form to the Stated Clerk,

See the Website Directory for lists of those currently serving on committees.

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