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LGBTQ+ Resources


More Light Presbyterians

More Light Presbyterians engages over 230 congregations and thousands of individuals in the Presbyterian Church (USA), enabling Presbyterians to lead LGBTQIA+ service and advocacy in communities nationwide. More Light’s mission has always been to empower and equip individuals and congregations to live into their welcome for LGBTQIA+ people.

Kindom Community: creating space for queer belonging and celebration

kin∙dom community is a queer-led organization creating space for queer belonging and celebration. Inspired by the concept first named by theologian Ada María Isasi-Díaz, we seek to be an example of the interdependent relationships that are possible when all people in the margins are seen, heard, nurtured, and celebrated for their full selves. kin·dom envisions a world where love and inclusion are the norm.

Covenant Network of Presbyterians

The Covenant Network of Presbyterians is a broad-based, national group of clergy and lay leaders working for a church that is simultaneously faithful, just, and whole.

LGBTQIA+ Deepening Our Understanding: A Resource In Transgender Identity (from PC(USA)


As Mission Presbytery, we connect diverse leaders and congregations by providing opportunities for worship, learning, and service so that we can flourish through God's grace.



7201 Broadway

Ste. 303

San Antonio, TX 78209

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