Committee on Preparation for ministry
The Committee on Preparation for Ministry (CPM) is responsible for the care and supervision of candidates for Ministry of the Word per the Book of Order, and serves as an Administrative Commission of Presbytery for the purpose of: 1) transferring candidates for the ministry to other presbyteries, and 2) receiving candidates by transfer from other presbyteries for the purpose of accepting valid calls to ministry in Mission Presbytery.
Preparation for Ministry of Word and Sacrament is often an intimidating process ofr one who senses they've heard God's call to this office of the church, but aren't sure where to begin. We encourage you to meet with your home church pastor and pastors, to refer to this Advisory Handbook from the PC(USA) for understanding the process's shape and form.
Note: Before you can begin this process or complete or submit any forms, you MUST contact the Chair of the committee on Preparation for Ministry, shown above.
Committee on Preparation for Ministry Handbook:
Guide to Ordination as a Minister of Word and Sacrament through Mission Presbytery >
Committee on Preparation for Ministry Handbook:
Guide for Ruling Elders seeking qualification in Mission Presbytery to receive a Commission >
Forms for Ruling Elders:
Ruling Elder Application for Commissioning Qualification in Mission Presbytery
Session Endorsement for Ruling Elder Application to Mission Presbytery's Program of Commissioning Qualification
Forms for Inquirers and Candidates:
All Inquirers and Candidates need to follow the Checklist for CPM Paperwork (click here to download.docx). Use this guide to ensure documents are properly completed and submitted as you progress through the process.
NOTE: All forms and other requested information is due in the Presbytery office one month prior to the stated meeting of CPM Inquirers/Candidates arranged to attend.
Remember, send all forms to: and
Stated Clerk
Mission Presbytery
7201 Broadway, Ste 303
San Antonio TX 78209
Meeting Dates/Locations
Dates for 2025 (at APTS, unless otherwise noted)
January 24
April 25 - Zoom
May 9
September 19
November 14
Forms for Enrolling an Inquirer
Forms to use with Candidates
Forms for Advancing to Candidacy:
READ THIS FIRST, for completing Form 5A
Form 5A — Application to be Enrolled by Presbytery as a Candidate, include answers to 6 questions in "READ FIRST..."
Form 5B — Session Evaluation and Recommendation for Candidate, and a Letter from Session that includes the rationale for endorsement.
Form 5C — Report of the consultation to become a Candidate
Form 5D — Covenant Agreement and Candidate Release
Up-to-Date Transcripts
Application Forms
Form 1A — Application to be Enrolled by Presbytery as an Inquirer
Form 1B — Questions for Reflection
Form 1C — Financial Planning for Theological Education
Form 1D — Session Evaluation and Recommendation
Up-to-Date Transcripts
Results of Psychological Evaluation
Forms for Annual Consultations
Form 3 — Pre-consultation Report on Development Areas
Form 4 — Report on Consultation
Up-to-Date Transcripts
Evaluations from:
1) Supervisor of Supervised Practice of Ministry Placement and/or CPE supervisor, and
2) your Self-Evaluation of these ministry experiences
Any other relevant information the CPM needs (e.g., If you've been required by us to seek counseling, an evaluation/report from that person)
Forms to use to Report actions to others
For Annual Consultation and Final Assessment
Form 3 - Pre-consultation on Development Areas
Up-to-Date Transcripts
Evaluations from:
1) Supervisor of Supervised Practice/Ministry or CPE supervisor, and
2) Your Self-Evaluation of these ministry experiences
Exegesis of Particular Biblical Text
Sermon on Above Text
Statement of Faith - One page
Personal Information Form (PIF) - Draft
Evidence of Attending Boundaries Workshop--refer to Checklist
Evidence of Attending Financial Planning Workshop--refer to Checklist
For Final Assessment Only
Exegesis Paper of Particular Biblical TextSermon Manuscript Based on Above Text - Candidate preaches a sermon for CPM as part of Final AssessmentStatement of Faith - One pagePersonal Information Form (PIF) - Draft